About Us
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization for Catholic men. It was founded in 1882 to provide insurance for the widows of its members. Since then, the organization has grown to over 1.9 million men who donate over $875 million and 76 million hours to charitable and church causes. We are now the largest fraternal life insurance organization in the world with a dedication to provide assistance to our members and their families. The proceeds from the sale of insurance is used to fund our national and international support of charity.
The “Christmas Presence” program began in 1998 by our Council as a tribute to Jack Skyles and his wife, Geneva, for the many years of hard work they dedicated to serve those in need of help in our area. It also offers the Parishioners of St. Luke Parish a chance to participate in the “True Meaning of Christmas” by anonymously “Giving Without Expecting Anything in Return”.
Families at St. Luke Catholic Church will have the opportunity to adopt a family this Christmas and provide a Christmas dinner and presents for each member of the adopted family.
Less Fortunate Families who apply for the “Christmas Presence” are screened.
Details will be posted on the parish website and in the Church bulletin when sign-ups begin.
The Council supports many events for our parish, which include an annual Basketball Free Throw Competition, Easter Egg Hunt, Swim/Cookout Appreciation Party for the Altar Servers with all parishioners invited, Soup Suppers and more!