The Sacristan Ministry is a “behind-the-scenes” service which can be performed by individuals or couples who wish to perform a needed service, but do not wish to be visible to the congregation. Some people are not comfortable being in front of the congregation as a lector, choir member or Eucharistic Minister. If you are shy about most ministries, Sacristan is ideal for you. The entire service of this ministry occurs before and after the Mass Liturgy.
The Mission of Sacristan is to set up the vessels before
Sacristans are needed at all Saturday and Sunday Masses as scheduled and also at Holy Day Masses and any other extra liturgies by individual availability.
Training is scheduled by appointment and takes place in the Sacristy and Sanctuary of the Church. It normally takes 30 minutes plus a supervised session at an actual liturgy.
The normal Sacristan schedule requires serving at one liturgy per month. Every third month has an extra weekend, so a Sacristan can be expected to serve at one of those per year. Other Holy Day or extra liturgies during Christmas or Easter are scheduled on an individual basis.